Windrow Spoons (March)
18 Holes Stableford Foursomes
Qualification: Attendance at the Club Dinner the night before, where partners are drawn. Prize-Giving on day.
Fletcher Cup (Easter)
18 Holes Medal
Played on Good Friday. Enter on the day. The 4 best scores qualify for Matchplay Semi-Finals & Final on Easter Monday. Trophy presented on Easter Monday.
Ronald Ferguson Cup (Easter)
18 Holes Stableford
Played on Easter Saturday. Enter on the day. Members may take out as many cards as they are able. Trophy presented on Easter Monday.
Goldsmith Cup (May)
(36 Hole Invitation Foursomes)
Enter on list in Clubhouse (posted in March). Entries
limited to the first 40 pairs. List closes 2 weeks prior to the event. Prize-Giving on day.
RN & RM Cup (May)
36 Holes Stableford
Enter on Starting Sheet in Clubhouse. No closing date. Prize-Giving on day.
Galbraith Cup
18 Holes Medal
Played on Whit Sunday. Enter on the day.
Buck Cup
18 Holes Medal – Qualifying
Handicap 10 and over
Played concurrently with Galbraith Cup. Enter on the day. The 4 best scores qualify for Matchplay Semi-Finals & Final to be arranged by mutual consent between players.
Lady Heathcoat-Amory Trophy (June)
18 Holes Foursomes Stableford (Any Combination)
Open to Men and Lady Members and Staff and those Juniors eligible to enter Club competitions. Enter on list in Clubhouse (posted in April). List closes week before the event. Prize-Giving at end of play.
Past Captains’ Salver (June)
18 Holes Stableford
Open to all Past Captain Members. Prize-Giving on day.
Stanton Cup (July)
18 Holes Stableford
Enter on the day.
The Bebb Cup (August)
18 Holes Stableford Mixed Foursomes
Played on August Bank Holiday Monday. Open to any mixed combination of Adult Members or Member playing with a Guest. Enter on starting sheet in Clubhouse (posted in July). No closing date. Prize-Giving on day.
Autumn Meeting Weekend (September)
(Prize-Giving after play on Sunday)
Smallwood Cup (Saturday)
18 Holes Medal
Six clubs only may be carried. Enter on the day.
Scratch Gold Medal (Sunday)
36 Holes Scratch Medal
Played concurrently with the Sutherland Bowl.
Enter on List in Clubhouse (posted in July). List closes 2 weeks before the event so that starting times may be notified.
Jim Pound Trophy
Singles Matchplay Off Scratch
Leading eight players from the Scratch Gold Medal qualify for Matchplay. Rounds to be played during months October to December. Trophy presented at lunchtime on Windrow Spoons Day (March).
Sutherland Bowl (Sunday)
36 Holes Medal Under Handicap
Played concurrently with the Scratch Gold Medal. Enter on List in Clubhouse (posted in July). List closes 2 weeks before the event so that starting times may be notified.
Jeremy Physick Trophy (Sunday)
18 Holes Medal Under Handicap
Played concurrently with the first 18 holes of the Sutherland Bowl. Qualification: Aged under 30 on the day of the event.
Q Salver (Sunday)
Played concurrently with Scratch Gold Medal. Qualification – Aged 50 or over on the day of the event.
Vertue Cup (September)
18 Holes Stableford Foursomes
Qualification: Attendance at Lunch on the day. Draw for partners at 12.30pm. An Entry Form will be posted in
the Clubhouse during July. Advance entries would be appreciated. Prize-Giving after play.
Sutherland Gold Medal (October)
(Duke of Sutherland’s Prize)
18 Holes Medal
Qualification: 1st, 2nd or 2nd= in the previous 12 Monthly Medals/Stablefords. Played concurrently with the October Medal.
18 Hole Monthly Medals/Stablefords
Medals during British Summer Time,
Stablefords during Winter Months
Enter on the day.
Saturday and Sunday Medals/Stablefords
18 Holes Medal/Stableford as listed in the Club Diary
Enter on the day.
Bank Holiday Stablefords
18 Holes Stableford on Bank Holidays as listed in the Club Diary
Enter on the day.
The Chairman’s Salver – Order of Merit – The best 5 scores out of 8 qualifying competitions
To include – The Ronald Ferguson Cup, The RN&RM (Round 1), The Galbraith Cup, The July Medal, The Stanton Cup, The August Medal, The Autumn Meeting (Round 1), The October Medal.
Prince of Wales’ Cup (Captain’s Prize) (May)
Singles Match Play. Final played over 36 Holes.
All 1st & 2nd Round matches must be played on the day. Handicaps: those prevailing on match day. Tees: Within 2 clubs lengths of the Distance Posts. Enter on list in Clubhouse (posted in March). List closes 2 weeks before the event so that starting times may be notified. Trophy presented at Windrow Spoons Dinner (March).
Reynolds Cup
Foursomes Match Play. Final played over 36 Holes.
2 rounds must be played on the day of the event, played Sunday mid October. Handicaps: those prevailing on match day. Tees: Within 2 clubs lengths of the Distance Posts. Enter on list in Clubhouse (posted in August). List closes 2 weeks before the event so that starting times may be notified.
Military Cup
Singles Match Play
Qualification: Handicaps 10 and under at the time when the Draw is made. Handicaps: those prevailing on match day. White Tees. Enter on list in Clubhouse (posted in August). List closes second week of October.
Bridley Cup
Singles Match Play
Qualification: Handicaps 11 and over at the time when the Draw is made. Handicaps: those prevailing on match day. White Tees. Enter on list in Clubhouse (posted in August). List closes second week of October.
The Bond Cup
Better Ball Match Play
Draw takes place in March. Handicaps: those prevailing on match day. White tees.